
24 Hours of Reality

Just weeks after the 2016 Presidential Election, this year’s 6th annual 24 Hours of Reality live streamed show came at a time of global transition with regards to the climate movement. Spending each hour of December 5-6th focusing on each of the top 24 carbon-emitting countries of the year, Al Gore devoted a full 24 hour day to solutions. With the Paris Agreement recently entering into force across the world, 24 Hours of Reality was a way for Gore to collectively and publicly make concrete what to so many of us can feel like nothing more than impending doom. While the prospect of world-wide accountability can be daunting, Gore brought together leaders from across the world to discuss the details of each of the 24 countries. Always using scientific rigor with political specificity, Gore’s devotion to global praxis reminds us what activism looks like in the 21st century.