
COP21 Paris Round-Up

After COP21, we wanted to take a moment to highlight key background information along with our recommendations on how to learn more and to get involved following the positive momentum from Paris.

Key COP 21 Leaders

    1. Laurent Fabius, COP President & French Foreign Minister – “Paris 2015 Climate deal must have legal force”
    2. General Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary – “calls on leaders to take drought seriously”
    3. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister, India – “steered India’s elevation from spoiler to facilitator”
    4. Todd Stern, US Special Envoy for Climate Change – “formed climate consensus with China with hostile congress at his back”
    5. John Kerry, US Secretary of State – “world must seize chance to kill climate warming HFC’s”
    6. Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UNFCC – “Turning Point is here. Join the wave of change”

Two of Our Favorite COP21 Articles

    1. Natural Resources Defense Council (Rhea Suh) – An Insider’s Journal from the Paris Climate Talks
    2. New York Times (Justin Gillis) – Climate Accord Is a Healing Step, if Not a Cure

Films To Watch

The Burden
300 Years of Fossil Fuels in 300 Seconds
Do The Math
Racing Extinction
Time to Choose

Books to Read

    1. The Ecology of Commerce by Paul Hawken
    2. Merchants of Doubt by Naomi Oreskes & Erik Conway
    3. End of Nature & Cradle to Cradle by Bill Mckibben
    4. Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert
    5. This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein

Be Informed – Join the Movement


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