
Taking on Indoor Air

From a short visit to a remote village in South America emerged the seed of an idea.

In an otherwise exquisitely designed yet simple home, I experienced the unexpected and fantastic feeling of no temperature at all, of perfect comfort. A combination of natural airflow and a simple ceiling fan made this happen.

Nevertheless, the conventional ceiling fan above was a visual eyesore in contrast with surrounding well-designed interior space. The ceiling fan, still a basic propeller form, was dated and old-fashioned.

At FutureAir, we are reimagining indoor air. Our mission is to improve indoor air quality comfort and energy efficiency.

On the FutureAir blog we will share a collection of ideas, news and research to keep you informed on all things air related to design, science, technology and the environment. We’ll also give you an inside look into what we are working on and thinking about at FutureAir.

If you want more information, have a question or there’s something you’d like us to write about, just leave a comment on one of our posts. We’d love to hear from you.